Tag Archives: spotify

Steppin’ Out like Joe Jackson

Well now, I’m eventually steppin’ out and I’m trying to leave the TV behind. I’ll probably bring the radio with me, just in case!

This is a move to stop filling Facebook and various message boards with my shite about music. This is an attempt to bring everything under one roof so-to-speak, where I can blether about what I’m listening to, where I can talk about what I’m reading and where I can try and start to engage a little more actively with music.


A little about where I’m coming from:

I’m a Sociology graduate with a specialism in cultural studies. I wrote about music, social consciousness and political action as an Honours dissertation and I’ve not really stopped wanting to write about music since. I’m returning to academia in a while to study Popular Music and Music Industries and I reckon it’s about time I stopped jotting down what I was thinking in A4 pads and started jotting it down a little more formally. Sharing is important to me. This means I’ll be trying to put theory into my own words, trying to link ideas I’ve read about together and trying to address the position of music in a confused and disjointed style.

I’m also a DJ on my local community radio station. I started out while we were still based exclusively in the local hospital and in the past month we’ve branched out online (it’s been a long time coming!) This will hopefully become a place to share my playlists, thoughts on what I’ve been playing and what I want to play as well as what it means to be a community DJ. The question of ‘can I get away with playing that’ is a troubling one for me. [I’ll hopefully get something sorted out on Mixcloud too; too many people have been asking to hear recordings of my shows and I just don’t have a platform yet.]

Finally, I’m hoping this will be somewhere where people will leave me a comment or two. Posting stuff on Facebook encourages a ‘Like’ but it doesn’t really open up to debate or justification. Joining in on message boards is great for proclaiming your opinion but you don’t really get to steer direction of thought before tl;dr.


If you read something you like please follow by RSS or by email or whatever. I am new to this, so if there’s something you think I should be doing please let me know. Feel free to link me out on other sites etc. and if you read something you like I’d appreciate credit where credit is due.


I’ll be trying to link out to my other online personas as I go along.


You’ll see a link up top right About My Radio Show.

This is Spotify mfmcd57

I’m also on DiS with the same username as Spotify – I’m mainly a lurker.

I’ll link up Mixcloud once I’ve worked out the legal ramifications. As our radio station is a registered charity I really don’t want to be risking our licence etc by posting up my shows if it’s not 100% legal copyright-wise. If anyone can help provide detail/insight on this please, please let me know!


Next post will be about music – I promise!



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